Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Project Veritas video alleges widespread voter fraud in Minn. with U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar at head

MINNEAPOLIS - A Project Veritas report on alleged ballot harvesting in the Somali community has Republicans calling for an investigation.

The non-profit, conservative website known for using hidden cameras posted a 16-minute video Sunday of a man on July 7 bragging about his car being full of hundreds of ballots for Minneapolis City Councilman Jamal Osman who won his seat in August.

"Just today we got 300 ballots for Jamal Osman," he said in a video he allegedly posted online earlier this summer, but later took down. The man, who Project Veritas identifies as Liban Mohamed, is seen filming himself on his route to collect ballots from the elderly in the Minneapolis Somali community. Many of the ballots are empty, the video alleges, and are filled out by Mohamed or others for the candidate of their choice, in this case Osman.


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