Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)


We, at Northwoods Caregivers, continue to look for opportunities to be a resource and provide services as we have done in the past prior to COVID-19. We know that caregiving of people with dementia or other disabilities does not end because of pandemic restrictions, but in fact, support resources become even more critical as loneliness and a feeling of isolation set in for many.

Since the COVID-19 restrictions have been in place, we have continued to maintain contact by phone with the people we serve. Our caregiver support groups, previously held in person, are now going virtual using a secure ZOOM platform.

I am encouraging caregivers in Red Lake, Redby, Ponemah and Little Rock, to join me on the third Tuesday of every month beginning October 20th from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. to discuss caregiving issues and to learn more about coping with the stress of caregiving. To reach out and ask for help is not a shame – we reach out and ask for help because we care and want to support one another.

To get connected by zoom, please call me at 218-333-8098. You may also call our toll-free number at 888-534-4432 for more information. All family caregiving issues discussed at support groups meetings are confidential.

Karen Holstein Bedeau,

Dementia Outreach Specialist/Advocate

(Northwoods Caregivers are supported by the Minnesota Board on Aging and Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging)


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