Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Andover teachers refused to enter school buildings over safety concerns. District officials called it an 'illegal work stoppage.'

Teachers in Andover refused to enter district buildings Monday for their first day of work, citing ongoing concerns about the safety of school buildings for hybrid learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Andover Education Association issued a statement on Saturday announcing teachers would refuse to enter school buildings, saying educators had “overwhelmingly voted” in favor of starting the school year fully remote with a phased-in return to in-person instruction to follow.

According to the association, members voted to take action Monday, the first day of 10 days of in-person professional development for teachers, deciding to engage in a “workplace safety action” in response to what they called a “lack of good-faith bargaining over how to maintain the health and safety of educators and students” by district leaders for reopening schools.


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