Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Chicago plan would have kids in classrooms 2 days per week

CHICAGO (AP) - Most Chicago children would return to the classroom two days a week and spend the other three days learning remotely once the school year begins under a tentative plan city officials presented Friday despite opposition to any in-person instruction by the teachers union because of the coronavirus threat.

During a news conference, Chicago Public Schools officials were careful to call the proposed hybrid approach a preliminary framework and they asked parents, students and staff to weigh in on it. A final decision about in-person instruction for the district's more than 300,000 students won't come until late August, with classes set to begin Sept. 8.

Under the plan, parents would be able to opt out of in-person instruction for their children and instead have them learn only online. Meanwhile, school staffers with medical needs would be able to apply for leaves of absence.


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