Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

'What will happen to our tribe in 50 years?'

A protest has been organized and will continue in Hertel over the acceptance of descendants of the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin. They are calling for the end of blood quantum to be able to accept more descendants of tribal members.

"Lots of us don't belong anywhere," Mark Stoner said. He was holding a sign with "Descendants Lives Matter" on one side and "Our Lives Matter" on the opposite side. The St. Croix Tribe based in Hertel requires members to have 50% native blood or half degree blood quantum for membership.

Protesters stood outside tribal headquarters on State Road 70 andAngeline Ave. There were about 20 people outside holding signs and drawing attention to their issues with blood quantum and the tribe's future. There was also a drum circle with teenagers who were also involved in the protest.


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