Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

A petition to replace the Christopher Columbus statue with the Route 1 orange dinosaur is gaining steam, sort of

More than 500 years later, Christopher Columbus is still making waves. Back then it was for getting famously lost on his way to the West Indies, and today, it's for still being celebrated despite having allegedly slaughtered and enslaved any number of indigenous people once he didn't get there. (The unfortunate residents of Hispanolia, where Columbus did land in 1492, surely wished he had found his way to China instead.)

Hence the dialogue following last week's beheading of the Christopher Columbus statue in Boston's North End. While most (although not necessarily all) seem to agree that wanton destruction of property is usually not a great idea, there's much debate as to what the ultimate fate of the now-removed statue should be. ( readers, in fact, can weigh in with their own opinions here. Spoiler alert: So far, lots of them want to see Chris returned after his head is re-affixed.)


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