Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Hydroxychloroquine drug in University of Minnesota trial does little to prevent COVID-19

An anti-malaria drug that has been trumpeted as a therapy for COVID-19 was unable in a University of Minnesota clinical trial to prevent the onset of the infectious disease.

The results of the nation's first randomized trial with the drug, hydroxychloroquine, against COVID-19 will disappoint doctors who had hoped for new therapies amid the pandemic. Many prescribers had given it off-label to COVID-19 patients - in the absence of other options - and President Donald Trump had been an early champion of the drug and said in mid-May that he was taking it for the preventive benefit, a benefit that the U study could not verify.

"While we are disappointed that this did not prevent COVID-19, we are pleased that we were able to provide a conclusive answer," said Dr. David Boulware, leader of the U trial. "Our objective was to find an answer."


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