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Integris Design Sounds Alarm SBA Red Tape Creating Irreparable Damage to Small Businesses Across The United States

WEAVERVILLE, N.C., April 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- A critical petition could save countless jobs across America. There is an urgent need to make the government aware the Small Business Administration is failing to fund American businesses, announces Integris Design. Join the petition now to help save countless jobs and preserve a vital part of the American infrastructure.

Integris Design, a small business nestled in the mountains of North Carolina, specializes in business growth across the United. Since the pandemic, Integris Design's client base is struggling to get the emergency funds they need from the SBA.

"Most small businesses will hit a point of no return within weeks," John Carroll, co-founder of Integris Design, explains. "At least parts of the government seem out of touch with the delicate nature of small businesses with gross revenue of 10MM or less. I have talked to numerous businesses over the last month that warned us they would close permanently if financial relief isn't on the immediate horizon. This collapse, of course, will ripple to our organization and all the vendors that are supported by small businesses."

A few weeks ago, the SBA's website was crashing for small businesses applying for COVID-19 assistance. With dwindling business and no means to pay contractors or employees, most owners spent a day or more fighting through the website errors and confusing questions in an attempt to get help. But the struggle didn't end with poor infrastructure and a lengthy online battle.

Within a week or two, the SBA changed its site. The form was now simplified, and it had an option to release an emergency $10,000 in three days upon approval. Integris Design received notice the previous submissions were invalid, and the new form must be complete to qualify for relief. However, this was just the beginning of the struggle.

"We have become a hub of confusing and conflicting information for our client base. Some clients stayed on the phone for hours eventually talking to a representative at the SBA. According to our clients, some calls get routed outside the United States to an unqualified answering service. Other clients told us the online form was just the beginning, and they had to fill out a secondary form and fax it back to the SBA. The bottom line is these businesses are struggling through all the options and wrestling with what they feel are dead-end PDF documents designed to complicate an already tense situation. However, the most concerning part is beyond these reports. Our clients claim the funding is still three or more weeks away, which would be catastrophic if true."

Integris Design explains their clients are typically politically weak. They don't have lobbying strength or the prowess to leverage their needs in a meaningful way. The owners of traditionally successful businesses have expressed if they are unable to get help, they will likely seek work as an employee and jettison their small business. This reaction will eliminate countless 1099 and W2 jobs across the US.

"In the end, the best we can do is sound the alarm, try to bring awareness to this issue, and pray that SBA's actions become more in aligning with the media's depiction of their efforts," explains John Carroll.

John Carroll reported at the time of this article; not one client reported being a successful recipient of funding from the SBA.

John Carroll is an accomplished and award-winning marketing expert supporting businesses across the United States. His grass-roots, practical approach helps countless businesses reach their potential. He is co-founder of Integris Design in Western North Carolina.


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