Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Mille Lacs County judge issues findings of vindictive prosecution, evidence destruction in felony case dismissal; county attorney disputes allegations

MILACA, Minn. - Findings of vindictive prosecution by Mille Lacs County Attorney Joe Walsh and willful destruction of evidence by the Mille Lacs County Sheriff's Office led to the dismissal of a felony perjury charge against a Wahkon woman.

Mille Lacs County Judge Matthew M. Quinn issued an order Dec. 23 sanctioning the state of Minnesota for destruction of evidence through the shredding of documents relevant to the criminal prosecution of Lucinda Lou Miller. The order also dismissed the perjury charge against Miller due to "a realistic likelihood of vindictiveness on the part of the County Attorney's Office's decision to charge Defendant with perjury."


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