Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

14th Annual Community Wellness Gathering Kicks-Off at Red Lake Nation College - P2

RED LAKE, MN - The Fourteenth Annual Red Lake Community Wellness Gathering (formerly The Red Lake Drug & Gang Summit) kicked-off on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at the Red Lake Nation College.

The objective of the gathering was to provide a catalyst for change in the community for people seeing solutions and opportunities that improve the quality of life for themselves and others. Using the Medicine Wheel as a guide, the gathering would focus on "what is working" when fostering success in people overcoming poverty, addictions, health issues, trauma and grief.

The question of the gathering was how to help guide the people to the networks and resources that will improve their quality of life.

Workshops and presentations were scheduled from 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM each day, and Friday until noon. Each morning featured keynote speakers or general assembly presentations and workshops in the afternoon.

Breakout Workshops included: Annibishaaboo Teachings with Veronica Bratvold; Warriors Wellness with Chance Rush; Healthy Lifestyles with Lenetta Jourdain and Laurel Lussier; Niiyo-Giizhig with Dennis Jones; Empowering Anishinaabe through Storytelling with Deanna Standing Cloud; Video Showcase mindimoooyenh; Aabinoojiiyensag Teachings with Nicole Buckanaga; Talking Circles with Frank Goodwin; Keeping Tobacco Sacred with Susan Ninham; Recovery Revolution with Mick Fasthorse, Curtis Jackson and Jessie Smith; Reclaiming Culture with Adrian Liberty (Naabekwa); and Little Boy Water Drum Teachings with Dennis Jones, Niiyo-Giizhig.

The Mission of the Red Lake Chemical Health Programs is to enhance the well-being of all Red Lake Tribal Band Members through alcohol and drug abuse prevention, education, intervention, and treatment. All programs are based on Anishinaabe culture and philosophy to strengthen the hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits, of Red Lake Reservation members, families, and communities.

This event was made possible in part by a grant with SAMSHA & MN-DHS.

Photographs by Kelly Iceman and Rob Fairbanks.


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