Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Over 250 Red Lakers attend Vikings/Redskins Game in Minneapolis - P10

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Four charter buses from Bemidji, one from each Red Lake Reservation District, traveled to Minneapolis on Thursday, October 24, 2019 to attend the Minnesota Vikings vs. Washington Redskins football game at US Bank Stadium.

The buses left Red Lake just before noon and had about 220 passengers. An additional 40 others, half from the Duluth area and half from Minneapolis, were also at the game.

The Red Lake Tribe purchased the tickets at a cost of about $6,000 and sponsored the free event, along with community coordinators doing most of the organization and planning. A free meal was also included.

Each District (Red Lake, Redby, Ponemah and Little Rock) had 55 Free Tickets and a charter bus, and it was a first come-first serve basis. People had to be at their Community Center by 11 AM on Thursday and the first 55 were guaranteed a ticket and seat on the bus. Unfortunately, not everyone who came to the Centers got a seat.

Game time kickoff was at 7:20 PM that night and Minnesota got it's 6th win of the season defeating the Redskins 19-9. The Vikings are now 6-2 and in second place in their division behind Green Bay.


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