Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

As more people opt to fly, group assesses the future of Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport

Aviation futurists envision a time when air travel won't be such a slog - where driverless cars deliver us to the airport, and mind-numbing lines to check luggage and clear security are a distant memory - thanks to technology that scans your face and fingerprints and even tracks your wayward suitcase.

The number of people departing from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is expected to grow from 18.5 million passengers to about 27 million over the next two decades. As more people opt to fly, airport planners and an enormous 29-member advisory panel, packed with tenant, business, tourism, government, passenger and community representatives, will try to suss out what trends will stick and how the airport will need to evolve.


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