Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Applications Open for Governor's International Trade Awards

Awards honor Minnesota companies that have excelled in the international marketplace

ST. PAUL – The Minnesota Trade Office, at the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), is accepting nominations for the 33rd Annual Governor’s International Trade Awards.

The Governor's International Trade Awards honor Minnesota companies that have shown exceptional progress and success in foreign markets. In addition to honoring individual recipients, the award recognizes the tremendous positive impact that exports and trade have on the state's overall economy.

“Last year, Minnesota businesses exported a record-high $23 billion worth of goods to countries all over the world,” said Governor Tim Walz. “I am thrilled to recognize Minnesota businesses with an eye on the international marketplace.”

“Minnesota exports support nearly 118,000 jobs statewide,” said DEED Commissioner Steve Grove. “The work done by the Minnesota Trade Office ensures that any business in Minnesota, regardless of size, can compete internationally.”

Nominations for the Governor’s International Trade Awards will be accepted until Friday, September 13, 2019. Recipients will be recognized at an awards ceremony on Friday, October 11, 2019.

Additional information, as well as nomination instructions, can be found on the DEED website.

About the Minnesota Trade Office:

The Minnesota Trade Office (MTO) provides export assistance to Minnesota's manufacturers and service providers. Programs and services focus primarily on assisting small and medium-sized companies.

The MTO also serves as Minnesota's Office of Protocol, ensuring that the state's interactions with foreign delegations and dignitaries are conducted with appropriate diplomatic etiquette and cultural practices. The MTO is also the state's liaison to the local diplomatic community - the Minnesota Consular Corps.

About DEED:

DEED is the state’s principal economic development agency, promoting business recruitment, expansion and retention, workforce development, international trade and community development. For more details about the agency and its services, visit the DEED website or follow us on Twitter.


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