Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Hospital Emergency Department has Blessing and Open House - P5

According to a release from the Red Lake Tribal Council, the Red Lake Indian Health Services Hospital entered into a P.L. 93-638 construction Contract in May 2017 with Red Lake Builders, Inc, a construction company owned by the Red Lake Tribe, to expand the Emergency Department, renovate existing space to accommodate a new Urgent Care Department and renovate the main lobby.

On Thursday, August 1, 2019, the ER expansion was completed and an Open House and blessing, along with a feast and tours, took place at noon on the site.

The next phase of the project will be to renovate the Urgent Care Department.

Red Lake Comprehensive Health Services and the Red Lake Hospital staff will continue to provide 24 hour emergency services.

The ER expansion consisted of 2-trauma bays, 4-exams rooms. 2-exam rooms., 2-exam/72 hr. hold rooms., 2 - nurse stations, 2-triage rms., Doctor's office space, a large family room, medication room, 2-ambulance drop off bays, 2-ambulance storage bays, and the future location for portable CT/MRI unit.

The total cost of the project was $6.925 Million.

Now that the ER construction was completed, they will begin construction on a 8-12 chair new dialysis facility which will be capabe to take care of 50 or more patients per week versus the 26 patients that the Red Lake IHS currently serves.


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