Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Tribal Police Receive County Traffic Safety Board Awards

AKWESASNE. At the Franklin County Traffic Safety Board Enforcement Awards Ceremony hosted by the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort on Onerahtohkó:wa/May 29, 2019; two members of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department were honored for their contributions in keeping our county's roadways safe. Franklin County Traffic Safety Board Co-Chairman Sergeant Brian Goetz, New York State Police Traffic Division, bestowed individual awards to Tribal Patrolman Nathan Boots and Tribal Patrolwoman Danielle Robbins, along with 11 law enforcement officers from across Franklin County.

"Recognition from the Franklin County Traffic Safety Board and the New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee is an honor for our police department and is owed to the efforts of our individual officers, including Boots and Robbins," said Tribal Chief of Police Matthew Rourke. He added, "Vehicle and Traffic Safety is a concern for everyone, including the prevention of DWIs, and we're proud that our police department's work is directly contributing to this important county-wide goal."


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