Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

After 130 Years, Canada Exonerates 'Peacemaker' Chief Convicted of Treason

In 1885, amid a period of strife between the Canadian government and some of the country’s indigenous peoples, the Cree leader Poundmaker was arrested and convicted on charges of treason-felony. For years, modern leaders of the Poundmaker Cree Nation have been trying to clear his name, arguing that he was, in fact, a peacemaker. On Thursday, their efforts came to fruition when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formally exonerated Poundmaker and issued an apology for his treatment.

According to Stephanie Taylor of the Canadian Press, the acquittal was made during a ceremony at Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, at the site where the leader’s remains are buried. Hundreds of people—among them elders, chiefs, indigenous war veterans and federal politicians—were in attendance.


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