Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

"Meet and Greet" held at new Oshkiimaajitahdah Bemijigamaag Office - P2

BEMIDJI, MN - On Thursday, September 27, 2018, beginning at 10 AM, the Oshkiimaajitahdah Bemijigamaag Office held a "Meet and Greet" at their new building located at 520, 4th St. NW in Bemidji.

Now they will be able to offer their services at their original Redby location, as well as at this new location in Bemidji.

Some of their services include: the Child Care Program which offers eligible parents and guardians assistance in paying for their child care needs while at work and/or in Education/Training, registers and monitors child care providers and offers free child care at Oshkiimaajitahdah Child Care Center while parent/guardian is attending classes or meetings at Oshkiimaajitahdah Child Support; the TANF Program, which is a program that serves the Red Lake Nation with cash and food assistance while they are in need of this type of assistance; the TERO Program (Tribal Employment Rights Office),; Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program whose main objective is to work with American Indian people with disabilities to assist them with their employment goals; the 477 Program which provides General Assistance, Job Search (GA), Medical (GA), Supportive Service, Work Experience Opportunities, Summer Youth Program, Education Opportunities, Financial Assistance, General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and Career Development, the Teen Parent Program; Career Develpment Services; the Child Support Program which includes establishing support orders, establishing paternity, modifications, income Withholding and enforcement of child support orders and voluntary agreements; the Teen Parent Program and more.

Originally, there was a Grand Opening scheduled for today, but because of circumstances that just came up, Executive Director Jerold Loud said they changed it to a "Meet and Greet" and would have the Grand Opening at another time.

But for those that visited the Oshkiimaajitahdah Bemijigamaag Office, there was a lunch served, tours of the building and offices, good conversations and door prizes.

For more information on Oshkiimaajitahdah (New Beginnings), visit:


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