Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Redby Community will soon have a new water tower

REDBY - On Tuesday, September 18, 2018, the Redby Water Tower, located hear the old Saw Mill, was taken down in the nearby area where it has stood for many years.

According to a news release from Jonathan Mountain, Director of Red Lake Sanitation, the demolition of the tower was done to make way for a new Redby water tower.

Although the release did not state when the construction would begin, it did state it would begin soon, and that the old tower had to be disposed of.

The old tower had been out of service for the last couple of years because it was "faulty".

The release said there would be no interruption of water service to Redbv residents or any other Red Lake Band member whose home was hooked up to the city water systems.

If you have any questions about the water systems, contact Red Lake Sanitation at 218-679-3377.

Also, if you would like to see a video of the water tower coming down, check out Alexandra Dow's page and Facebook, a very up close view.

Photographs by members of the community.


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