Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Redby Postmaster transfers to Utah

REDBY, MN - It was Bob's last day of work at the Redby Post Office on Friday, August 24, 2018. Someone had gotten him a cake and people were coming in all day and wishing him farewell and good blessings at his new job and home in Utah.

He had spent around 7 years on the Red Lake Reservation, working first in Red Lake and then Redby after Bridgette Auginash retired from there.

Bob was a respected man and treated everyone else around him with respect. He will be missed.

Maria Hanson will take over at the Redby Postmaster until a successor is chosen--and that very well might be her, as well.

Good luck, Bob, in your new endeavor.


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