Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake holds Ojibwe Language and Culture Camp in Ponemah - P4

PONEMAH - Beginning on Tuesday and going through Thursday, July 24-26, 2018, Red Lake Chemical Health, Red Lake Economic Development and Red Lake's Ojibwemowin Revitalization Program sponsored a 3-day Ojibwe Language and Culture Camp at the Ponemah Round House, open to all kids ages 6-18

The three-day camp featured lacrosse, the moccasin game, canoeing, swimming, drum and dance, plant identification, crafts, traditional Anishinaabe teachsings and more.

Gabeshiwin 2018

Ponemah Round House, MN


Day 1, July 24

8:30am Meet at Chemical Health in Red Lake

9:00am Travel to Ponemah

10:00am Prayer, breakfast

11:00am Introduction, Orientation

Icebreaker game

Stories in Ojibwe

12:30pm Lunch

1:15pm Afternoon Activities

Lacrosse, Drum, Pow-wow Zumba, Moccasin Game

2:30pm Activity; Drum & dance, moccasin game (boys)

4:00pm Circle time; review of the day & what they hope to gain tomorrow

4:30pm Traditional food dinner

5:15pm Depart back to Red Lake

6:00pm Parent pick-up at Chemical Health

Day 2, July 25

8:30am Meet at Chemical Health in Red Lake

9:00am Travel to Ponemah

10:00am Prayer, breakfast

11:00am Ojibwe words/phrases, activities of 1st day

12:30pm Lunch

1:15pm Afternoon Activities

Medicine pouch making, birch bark making, Ojibwe bingo, Pow-wow Zumba

3:00pm Activity; Drum & dance, moccasin game (boys)

4:00pm Circle time; review of the day & what they hope to gain tomorrow

4:30pm Traditional food dinner

5:15pm Depart back to Red Lake

6:00pm Parent pick-up at Chemical Health

Day 3, July 26

8:30am Meet at Chemical Health in Red Lake

9:00am Travel to Ponemah

10:00am Prayer, breakfast

11:00am Activities of 1st and 2nd day

12:30pm Lunch

1:15pm Afternoon Activities Live Painting with Wesley May, Swimming at Cut off

3:00pm Review of the day/camp, Miigwechiwendam

Give away & T-Shirts distribution

Take a Group Photo

4:15pm Leave for Red Lake

5:00pm Parent pick-up at Chemical Health

See also:

BP: Camp for the culture: Red Lake language camp combines fun and tradition

PONEMAH -- On Tuesday morning, the area near the Ponemah Round House was filled with the sights and sounds of a typical summer camp. Children chased each other around the grounds, played games like "telephone" and "Marco Polo" and prepared for a nature walk.

But -- while the three-day Ojibwe Language and Culture Camp aims to show kids a good time -- its goal runs deeper: expose Ojibwe children to their culture and improve their sense of who they are.


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