Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Waasabiik Ojibwemotaadiwin Immersion School graduates 7 students - P2

RED LAKE - At a little after 12 noon on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, seven new students graduated from the Waasabiik Ojibwemotaadiwin Immersion School, located at Red Lake Nation College.

After the welcome address from Program Coordinator Nate Tayler and Red Lake Tribal Chairman Darrell Seki Sr., Frannie Miller and Pug Kingbird, Program Advisors, gave the invocation and spoke about the kids.

The graduates were: Tyler Anderson, Miles Neadeau, Eli Norris, Vivian Stately, Sarah Strong, Waaseyaa Tayler and Miairha Zemora.


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