Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

8th Annual 2018 Red Lake Nation Elder's Gathering held at Seven Clans Casino Event Center - P7

RED LAKE - The 8th Annual Red Lake Nation Elder's Gathering was held at Seven Clans Casino Event Center on Monday, April 30, 2018 and will continue through Tuesday, May 1st.

Registration and breakfast was served from 8 AM to 10 AM, followed by the Opening Ceremony with Greeting Spears Jr., the Red Lake Nation Honor Guard and Royalty, Eyabay and the welcome and opening remarks from Red Lake Tribal Chairman Darrell Seki Sr.

The morning session including a presentation by Red Lake EMT's, information on Suicide Awareness, a presentation by the Red Lake Public Safety Department, topping it all over with entertainment by Willians & Ree.

The event also included informational booths on tribal programs and services available for elders.

The afternoon sessions included an Ojibwe Puppet Show, Free Prize Bingo and a presentation on Chief Meskokonay Youth Cultural Camps by Darwin Sumner.

Other activities offered throughout the day included free cell phones, Clipper Cuts for Men and photographs with Elwyn Jourdain Photography.

Evening activities included a cribbage and slot tournament at 7 PM with cash prizes.

On Tuesday, May 1st breakfast will be available until 9 AM, followed by the Opening Prayer with Greeting Spears Jr. and the welcome address by Amber McNear and Amaya Pemberton with the Little Bear Drum Group.

A Youth Showcase from Red Lake Schools will take place starting at 9:30 AM, followed by the King and Queen Selection, entertainment by "Travesty", a music band from Turtle Mountain Reservation and a dance contest. After lunch they will have Grand Prize Drawings and the closing ceremony.


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