Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Lakeland Currents: Project Graduate 100%

In 2017, Minnesota celebrated its highest percentage of high school graduates on record. That same year, the graduation rate at Bemidji High School hit a 15-year high. But is it enough? That record-setting statewide graduation rate was just under 83 percent, and at Bemidji High School it was 88 percent. A former university professor and area principal has been challenging the greater Bemidji community to consider what happens with the remaining 12 to 17 percent of students – those who don’t graduate. John Eggers has been working to mobilize the community to support Project Graduate, an initiative aimed at achieving a 100 percent graduation rate in Beltrami County. We welcome John Eggers to the show to talk to us about how Project Graduate works, and why he believes a 100 percent graduation rate is possible.


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