Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

White Earth candidates demonstrate unity

White Earth, MN -After weeks of deliberation and candidate screening, White Earth elders and key supporters have expressed their backing for the following candidates in the upcoming election for the Reservation Business Committee (RBC) (Tribal Council): Secretary-Treasurer Candidate Leonard Alan Roy, District I Candidate Raymond Auginaush Sr., and District II Candidate Joan LaVoy. White Earth's Primary Election is scheduled for April 3, 2018, and the General Election is scheduled for June 12, 2018. The candidates have openly endorsed each other's candidacy for Tribal Council.

Together these candidates hope to bring teamwork back to a Tribal Council challenged with infighting. The candidates have expressed support for working with the current Tribal Council on important issues affecting members, which includes Chairman Terry Tibbetts and Representative Umsy Tibbetts. The move to openly support each other's campaigns represents a shift in Tribal politics at White Earth Reservation: consistent messaging, transparency, and unity.

The candidates have scheduled several Meet & Greets in the coming weeks. On Feb. 22, the candidates will host their first Meet & Greet at the Red Apple Café, and on Feb. 24 another Meet & Greet has been scheduled for Tribal members that live in the Cass Lake area. An official Campaign Kickoff is expected after Mar. 1. Events will be hosted for Reservation based members, and for members that live in the Twin Cities and in the Iron Range.

The candidates have uniformly communicated the following message to Tribal members: "We seek unity in a time of disunity. We pursue teamwork, selfless service, and respect for the People. We challenge ourselves and others to do what's right and fair. We choose hope over despair. We will move forward despite our differences. We humbly ask for your support to pursue these ends. And in the end, we shall restore Power to the People."

As One,

Leonard Alan Roy

Raymond Auginaush Sr.

Joan LaVoy


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