Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Elem Indian Colony Halts Disenrollment Process

In a terse, three-sentence press release, Elem Indian Colony’s executive committee (their elected tribal council) took the first step toward healing a decades-long rift between two factions of the small Northern California tribe of Pomo Indians.

On March 30, the executive leadership withdrew an action to disenroll some 61 members, and by extension their families and other descendents, from the approximately 200-member tribe. This would have resulted in all 130 residents of the 52-acre rancheria, located on the eastern edge of Clear Lake in Lake County, being ousted. The council cited a 2015 tribal ordinance as justification for the March 30, 2016, action. “The Executive Committee looks forward to working with all Elem members to heal the tragic wounds of decades of internal disputes by affirming and nurturing Elem’s traditional values of tribal unity and collaboration for the benefit of all members,” the statement said.


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