Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Much was learned at Tribe's first cannabis symposium

By all counts, the first Puyallup Tribal Medical Marijuana Symposium was a great success. Attracting a nice-sized crowd to the EQC Showroom that Saturday morning, March 4, attendees learned about the healing powers of cannabis and how tribal members can use this plant as medicine to alleviate a host of illnesses.

The forum was hosted by Puyallup Chairman Bill Sterud and Tribal Council, members present being David Bean, Tim Reynon and Annette Bryan. The guest panel consisted of Dr. Alan Shelton, MD, Medical Director at Puyallup Tribal Health Authority; Dr. Michelle Sexton, ND, Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social Policy; Dr. Paul Reilly, ND, Salish Cancer Center; Dr. Aaron Stancik, PhD, Medicine Creek Analytics; and Kyle Shelton, Lab Assistant at Medicine Creek Analytics.


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