Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Ice fishing season settles in; watch for ice heaves, cracks

The snow on the lakes continues to compact during the days with highs above freezing. The fresh water flowing into the lakes triggers more activity from everything under the ice.

The lakes start to get stale during long periods of sub-freezing weather. The vegetation continues to decompose and the lakes are locked in by the cold temperatures. The only fresh water entering the lakes is coming from springs or streams flowing into the lake.

The melting snow is like adding fresh water to a bucket of minnows. It helps freshen up the water and gives the fish and other creatures a boost of oxygen. The snow compacts when it melts, which makes it easier for anglers to get around on the lakes. Anglers have been driving vehicles on many of the local lakes, with more than 16 inches of ice in most locations.


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