Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

U.S. Bank Stadium operator says protesters passed through security with rope and tickets to Vikings game

The Dakota Access oil pipeline protesters who swung from the heights of U.S. Bank Stadium on Sunday had tickets to the Vikings-Bears game and carried their gear into the building hidden under winter clothes.

The pair, who were arrested after the game, “had nothing visible in their possession that violated U.S. Bank Stadium policies and had nothing that prevented them from clearing the security screening upon entry,” according to Lisa Niess, the marketing manager for SMG, the company the operates the stadium.

The climbers, who had at least one accomplice who was also arrested, brought in “nylon rope, a small number of carabiners and a lightweight banner concealed on their person underneath winter clothing,” Niess said, adding that once inside, the climbing gear was distributed among the protesters.


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