Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Federal Officials Seek Tribal Input On Changes To Business Operation Regulations

Federal officials hope to make doing business on Native American reservations easier. The update is a long time coming. The last time the U.S. Department of the Interior revised those regulations was more than 30 years ago.

The move is, in part, a response to several requests from tribes and tribal organizations for updates to certain parts of the regulations regarding tribal self-determination. It’s part of a growing movement under the Obama administration to institute policies aimed at increasing tribal self-governance.

In a written statement, the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Deputy Secretary said the current regulations don’t accurately reflect or respect the current business practices going on in Indian Country because the last rule change occurred in the 1980s.

The agency said the goal is to chart a path forward that’s guided by tribal input.


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