Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

2016 Election By The Numbers – Infographic & Stats

Even with checks and balances, four years of executive power can change the country – perhaps even the course of history – considerably. So from FDR’s clean sweep of Republican Alf Landon in 1936 to the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2000’s Bush v. Gore nail-biter, every presidential election matters and is, indeed, historic. This one still feels special, though – kind of like Barack Obama’s enthusiastic run to break the White House color barrier, but more sinister.

On the left, we have a candidate seeking to become the first female president who carries the baggage of a general likeability problem. And on the right, we have a billionaire real-estate mogul and former reality TV star whose brash, off-the-cuff style has captivated the country, though not always in a good way.

It’s been entertaining. It’s been painful. And this crazy campaign is finally coming to an end. So as we wait for November 8th and wonder what the future has in store for our country, our wallets and our kids’ futures, it’s worth reminding ourselves what Election Day is all about, both this year and in general. In the interest of helping people perform their civic duty (and have some fun while doing it), we put together a collection of the most interesting and informative Election Day factoids we could find. You can check them our below, followed by our Ask The Experts Q&A on everything from voter-turnout strategies to what each candidate’s presidency would mean for the economy. Happy voting!


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