Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Bomb threat at Red Lake High School

RED LAKE - On October 10, 2016, Superintendent Lundquist received an anonymous message via the "tip off" tab on the website late this afternoon about a bomb threat at Red Lake High School.

Law enforcement was contacted and Rob McClain, Paul Kwako, met with secondary complex administration, Deans, and Chris Borg to assess the situation.

As an immediate precaution, all buildings were evacuated and the volleyball game that was going on, was cancelled.

Law Enforcement utilized their SWAT team to walk through and inspect all buildings. If a device or suspicious package were to have been found, bomb dogs would have been deployed. Nothing suspicious was found, the buildings were deemed safe, and all were cleared for classes to resume.

The Information Technology (IT) team is tracking the IP address of the sender of the message. It has determined it did not come from in-house, and will notify the superintendent when it is determined where the message originated.

Superintendent Lundquist notified all staff of the situation, via email.

All principals will meet personally with staff at (or before) 8:00 AM tomorrow morning, Tuesday, October 11th , to share this information for those who may not have received it and to respond to questions. The principals will request that staff maintain heightened alert for anything that appears suspicious over the coming days. If something unusual is observed staff will contact the principal, and if danger appears imminent, staff will call 911.


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