Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Archambault feelings mixed on judge's ruling

Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II told an audience at the United Tribes Technical College Tribal Leaders Summit in Bismarck Wednesday his feelings are mixed following a federal judge’s partial granting of a restraining order to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline near Cannon Ball.

“It’s kind of a middle ground. Part of it’s good but it’s not all good because I know our sacred sites are going to be destroyed,” he said.

Earthjustice, which is providing legal representation for the tribe in a federal lawsuit it filed against the U.S Army Corps of Engineers over the permitting of the Dakota Access Pipeline, said, in federal court Tuesday, lawyers for the pipeline said they would agree to stop construction west of Highway 1806, where the tribal sacred sites were marked by the tribe, if the protesters would disband. But because not all of the protesters are members of the tribe, the tribe could not speak for them to make a deal.


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