Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Is it ever OK for a white person to wear a feather headdress?

Every year, at music festivals across the country, white people come equipped with flash tats, face paint, sunscreen, bottles full of vodka water and, unfortunately in some cases, they bring a feather headdress inspired by a culture that is not their own.

They may think the feather headdress goes with their "hippie festival look," but that doesn't mean it's OK to wear. In fact, for many, it's downright offensive.

Many different cultures have their own version of the headdress, from areas in the Caribbean and Africa, but headdresses that are clearly trying to emulate the Native American headdress, remain among the most prevalent. Within just the past year, feather headdresses, when worn by people who aren't Native American, have drawn ire across the world. In Canada, they've been banned at a number of music festivals and in the U.K., they've been banned at Halloween celebrations.


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