Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

New Sandy Hook School Is Ready Nearly 4 Years After Massacre

NEWTOWN, Conn. — After three and a half years of grieving the unspeakable tragedy that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School in late 2012, students and parents will return to a new school building next month that is intended to foster healing and protection, as well as education.

At a preview of the school on Friday, there were mixed emotions amid the striking design elements and landscaping. Lisabeth Kuroski, a special education aide at the nearby Reed Intermediate School, called the opening bittersweet.

“It’s nice that the elementary school kids will come back home to Newtown,” Ms. Kuroski said. “But it’s also a sad day, because you can’t be here at the opening of the school without thinking of the people we lost.”


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