Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Supportive Housing 1 Seeking two new board members

If you are concerned about housing on our reservation, please consider joining our Board of Directors. We meet on a quarterly basis. (Meeting schedule can change based on member availability)

The Board of Directors sets general agency policies, determines the direction of program development and oversees program operations and financial management. You do not need special skills to be a board member. What you do need is a commitment to:

1. Help the board and staff members ensure that persons with disabilities receive safe and decent housing;

2. Be open-minded and creative about solutions to issues;

3. Attend all board meetings and occasional other meetings.

Board members who are not able to attend as part of their employment, or who are not employed, may receive a small stipend for their time. Mileage is available for those who travel longer distances for meetings.

If you would like more information or to nominate yourself for board membership, please contact our Executive Director:

Jordan May 679-3228

Nominations will remain open until filled. Please call soon if you would like to be part of our board.


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