Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

MPCA to seek label restrictions on flushable wipes

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is looking to slam the lid on flushable wipes, which it claims are mislabeled and responsible for costly repairs to septic tanks and city sewers.

The MPCA will ask the Legislature to ban such labels as "flushable," "septic safe" or "sewer safe" on wipes sold in Minnesota. The proposal also would require packaging to include a "do not flush" warning, so consumers know the wipes should be thrown in the trash, not the toilet.

City officials have complained for several years that the multipurpose sanitary cloths fail to break down, despite assurances on packaging that they are "flushable." Utility workers say wipes snag in pipes and valves, clogging wastewater treatment systems.


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