Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Got a cold? Break out the chicken soup for a surefire remedy

Almost like clockwork, February rolls around and, one by one, my family catches a cold. This year, my husband brought the viral plague into the house, and I was next in line to catch it. Before my first sniffle, though, I got out my stock pot and started on a large batch of chicken stock, because I knew I’d be making plenty of soup in the next few days.

I don’t know why soup seems so comforting when we’re sick. Perhaps it’s because soup is light, especially if it’s broth-based, and it’s generally easy to digest. The fact that it’s warm and soothing on a sore throat probably doesn’t hurt, either. But does your mom’s famous chicken soup contain any special healing properties? I guess that depends on your mom and her soup.


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