Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Native American Church in Kenwood sues county

A church in Kenwood that makes use of marijuana and peyote in their religious practices has filed a federal lawsuit against Sonoma County and the Sheriff’s Department, charging civil rights violations in connection with a raid by law enforcement that confiscated and destroyed hundreds of marijuana plants.

The Utah-based Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) set up a branch on a property at 1142 Lawndale Road earlier this year, putting up a sign to indicate their presence to county officials.

On Sept. 14, sheriff’s deputies entered the property, seized over 600 marijuana plants and arrested 38-year-old Kenwood resident Saul Arriola Garcia for marijuana cultivation and possession of marijuana for sale. Garcia is listed as the president of the ONAC Valley of the Moon branch.


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