Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Concerned Citizens in the Twin Ports to Rally Against Reckless Enbridge Pipeline Expansions

Duluth, MN -- Today, organizers in the Twin Ports of Duluth and Superior will be joined by concerned citizens from across the region to stand up against the reckless expansion of Enbridge crude oil pipelines which threaten our climate, water, and communities across the Great Lakes region.

Led by local indigenous leaders, the marchers will call on elected decision-makers in Minnesota and Wisconsin to stop the invasion of Enbridge pipelines flooding the region with the dirtiest fuel on the planet. Citizens will also call on Enbridge to do full consultation with tribes impacted by their proposed pipeline expansion plans, conduct full environmental review, and invest fully in a just transition to clean energy instead of building more fossil fuel infrastructure.

“We’re coming together to send a strong message to Enbridge: they need to work toward a just solution instead of fighting to build their dirty energy pipelines on our land,” said Debra Topping, Fond du Lac band member, grandmother, and one of the organizers of Monday’s march. “Building these pipelines and destroying our water and wild rice is cultural genocide.”

WHAT: A march and rally to stand up against the Enbridge pipeline invasion of the Great Lakes region

WHO: Advocates from Honor the Earth, MPIRG, MN350, Native Lives Matter/NLMC, and Flood The System-RTNA, as well as dozens of concerned citizens from across the region

WHEN: TODAY: Monday, November 2nd at 12:45pm CT

WHERE: Intersection of Lake and Superior, near the Enbridge offices and U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan’s office in downtown Duluth, MN.


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