Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)


The VFW Post 1260 Woman's Auxiliary has made a donation to Beltrami County's Project Lifesaver. Margie Luadtke, representing the Auxiliary, presented a check for $2,100.00 to Beltrami County's Project Lifesaver. Deputy Scott Hinners accepted the donation on July 9th, 2015 which will be used to sustain and enhance the program. The attached photo is Deputy Scott Hinners accepting a check on behalf of Beltrami County's Project Lifesaver program from the VFW Post 1260 Woman's Auxiliary represented by Margie Luadtke.

Project Lifesaver puts technology and training in the hands of public safety to expedite recovering citizens who suffer from cognitive issues or that are prone to wandering. A grant through Autism Speaks allowed Beltrami County to send two deputies to Project Lifesaver Training, purchase the required equipment and three transmitters. Beltrami County joins the 1,400 other participating agencies across 48 states, six Canadian Provinces and Australia who have done 3,000 searches over 16 years. If you are interested in participating in Project Lifesaver, please contact the Beltrami County Sheriff's Office at 218-333-9111.

The Beltrami County Sheriff's Office is appreciative of the positive feedback and continued support from the community in all of our endeavors to serve our communities and neighbors.

Sheriff Phil Hodapp


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