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High school students can explore health care careers at BSU Scrubs Camp

March 12, 2015 — High school students entering grades 9-12 this fall and who are interested in exploring careers in health care are invited to attend a two-day Scrubs Camp at Bemidji State University this summer.

Dates and Registration

Scrubs Camp takes place June 16-17 on the BSU campus. The camp is $100, which includes overnight accommodations, instructional costs, transportation to off-site facilities during the camp, meals (two lunches, one dinner, one breakfast) and a camp t-shirt. Students interested in attending the camp are encouraged to register before June 1.

Camp Information

At the hands-on, dynamic and fast-paced Scrubs Camp, students will explore the Northwest Technical College dental lab and participate in a site visit at Sanford Health in Bemidji. In addition, campers will have many opportunities to network with faculty and health care professionals in the area.

Faculty from BSU’s Department of Human Performance, Sport & Health and the Bemidji School of Nursing will be conducting a variety of workshops during the camp. Those sessions could include topics such as nutrition, disease prevention, community health, holistic nursing and pharmacology.

BSU and Northwest Technical College students will serve as camp counselors and chaperone participants to daily activities and evening programs. These students will also lead a variety of interactive games that focus on germs, healthy eating and weight management.

Scholarship Information

Sanford Health has partnered with BSU to offer 25 full scholarships for campers with financial need. The scholarships cover the full cost of the two-day camp, including overnight accommodations, instructional costs, transportation to off-site facilities during the camp, meals (two lunches, one dinner, one breakfast) and a camp t-shirt.

Campers who wish to apply for a scholarship must submit a statement of interest which includes answers to three essay questions. The list of questions is included with the camp application, available online. Scholarship applications are due to the summer programs office in BSU’s Center for Extended Learning by April 1.


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