Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Netherlands to ban wild animals in circuses

World opinion turns against the use of animals in circuses

Signalling a sea change in public attitudes, The Netherlands has announced today that it is to prohibit wild animals in circuses. The move comes just two days after Mexico passed a historic wild animal circus ban, which has been heralded as the beginning of the end for wild animals in circuses by Animal Defenders International (ADI). 30 countries have now passed laws to nationally restrict the use of animals in traveling circuses.

ADI President, Jan Creamer stated: “This is wonderful news from the Netherlands and Mexico this week. The use of animals in traveling circuses is cruel and out-dated, and that is now recognised in legislation in 30 countries. Animal Defenders International hopes that this will be a wake up call to the US Government. We are seeing a worldwide change in what is considered acceptable to do to animals in the name of entertainment.”

Presented with evidence of the suffering circus animals endure behind the scenes - exposed by ADI in circuses across the US, Europe and South America - members of the public are consistently choosing to avoid animal circus acts and governments around the world are taking action to eliminate the suffering. It is also now widely acknowledged that animal acts provide no educational or conservational benefit and that circuses can thrive without animal acts.

ADI previously rescued 29 lions and other animals as the organisation helped enforce a ban on animals in circuses in Bolivia, which is the subject of multi-award winning film LION ARK. ADI is now working with authorities in Peru and Colombia to enforce their bans on wild animals in circuses. To date, ADI has rescued 30 lions and many other animals as part of its current mission, Operation Spirit of Freedom.


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