Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Primary Election Day Today: American Family Association Action Informs Voters with Guide to Primaries

TUPELO, Miss.—American Family Association Action (AFA Action, has released its 2014 Voter Guide, as Minnesota voters will take to the polls today, August 12, to vote in the state’s Primary Election.

The online guide, searchable by voter residency, gives information on Congressional races in all 50 states as well as Gubernatorial, Lieutenant Governor and state legislative races in 14 states, with details, if available, on voting records, donation records, endorsements, candidate answers to government-themed questions and educational background.

“This Voter Guide reveals not what candidates say on the issues but what they do,” said AFA Action President Tim Wildmon. “It shows voting records as well as where campaign money comes from. Primary elections can sometimes be confusing for voters, as there are often many candidates within the same party yet with different views on multiple issues. Factor in that some candidates are relatively unknown, and it can be hard to know where they stand. It can also be difficult to separate fact from fiction and reality from rhetoric. AFA Action’s Voter Guide gets down to the facts to help voters make these distinctions.”

The AFA Action Voter Guide is valuable for all voters, regardless of their views. For example, pro-life voters can find information on like-minded candidates, and pro-choice voters can discover pertinent voting details as well.

“It’s a truly objective way to educate voters so they can be extremely well-informed at the ballot box,” Wildmon added. “Many primary races this year are critical. The AFA Action Voter Guide is thoroughly researched and profiles races across the country, giving complete information on where candidates stand on important societal issues.”

Upcoming state primary races are scheduled for August 12 (Connecticut, Minnesota, Wisconsin), August 19 (Alaska, Wyoming), August 26 (Arizona, Florida, Vermont, runoff election in Oklahoma), September 9 (Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts) and November 4 (Louisiana).

AFA Action is also preparing for the 2014 Values Voter Summit. AFA Action is a sponsor for the event that was created in 2006 to provide a forum to help inform and mobilize citizens across America to preserve the bedrock values of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life and limited government that make the nation strong. The 2014 Summit is planned for Sept. 26-28 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. For more information on the event, visit

For more information on AFA Action, visit


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