Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Peterson will run for another term in Congress

(Detroit Lakes, MN) - U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson announced today that he will seek another term representing Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"I still have a lot of work to do," Peterson said. "After the 2008 Farm Bill, it became clear that farm bill implementation needs to be closely monitored. With the 2014 Farm Bill complete, I will work to make sure---that USDA implements these changes in a timely manner, and as Congress intended. I also will continue working to advance permanent flood protection throughout the Red River Valley with water retention and storage solutions.

Peterson noted that he will continue his independent streak by taking on an administration that continues to put out regulations that negatively impact agriculture and rural areas.

"While it can be frustrating to watch the dysfunction and partisan gridlock in Congress, I think there is still a place for moderate members like myself to try to build consensus and cooperation," Peterson said. "I will continue to be a voice of common sense in Washington DC for all the people of Minnesota's Seventh District."


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