Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)





Opening: February 24, 2014

Closing Date: March 26, 2014 @ 3:00 p.m.

Primary Function:

Perform all tasks associated with writing and submitting a grant proposal on behalf of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians. Applications written by the Grant Writing Department are a team effort, a Grant Writer must be able to create and prepare an entire application. Reports to the Director of the Grant Writing Department. This is a full-time position with benefits, salary; DOQ.

Essential Responsibilities & Duties:

• Research funding sources; research specific topics identified by funders.

• Determine if identified funding is a good fit for the Red Lake community and Red Lake programs.

• Able to consult with community people, Elders, program directors and staff, target population, tribal administration, to ascertain needs and create plans to meet those needs.

• Able to read and analyze the funder's guidelines and conduct a gaps analysis if required.

• Able to utilize results of research and consultation to create a project design.

• Able to create a detailed activity timeline chart across all years of the proposed project showing the goals and objectives and the activities to accomplish those objectives, the specific times for each activity, the person(s) responsible for each activity, and the evaluation data to be collected to measure the success of the project.

• Able to write the complete narrative portion of a proposal including all required sections such as goals/objectives/activities/timeline; project narrative, organizational capacity, evaluation.

• Able to create and write an evaluation plan that uses both summative and formative evaluation methods for each grant application. For a federal application, include the government's GPRA data collection requirements.

• Able to create a complete itemized project budget with a budget narrative for each requested item.

• Able to address a funder's budget requirements, identifying matching funds when they are required - either in-kind or cash.

• Able to create a sample Tribal Council resolution that describes the proposed project, its budget requirements and all other information requested by funders. Present resolution to the Tribal Council.

• Performs other duties as assigned.


• Required: Excellent writing ability

• B. A. degree preferred, however, brilliance and experience will be considered.

• Required: experience as the principle writer in at least three federal grants within the last three years; and at least two foundations, corporate, individual donor, or State grants.

• Knowledgeable in Anishinaabe history and familiar with Red Lake community.

• Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel.

• Experience submitting applications electronically, by mail or delivery, or funder's submittal process.

• Employment contingent upon successfully passing Pre-Employment Drug/Alcohol Test and Background Check.

TO APPLY: Obtain a complete description of this position from RL Human Resources. Submit a completed tribal application form, résumé, samples of writing, to the Red Lake Human Resources Department, P.O. Box 546, Red Lake, MN 56671 Phone (218) 679-1847 *Fax (218) 679-4176.

TO APPLY ONLINE: Go to and click "Job Postings" in the upper right hand corner and click "RLN Application".


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