Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

"Sho Nuff" comes through backdoor to win Women's 2014 Red Lake Warrior Challenge - P9

"Sho Nuff" came through the backdoor on Sunday, February 16, 2014, to claim the first ever, Women's 2014 Warrior Challenge. They beat Outlaw twice in the Championship Round.

Outlaw had been undefeated in the tournament until the Championship, knocking "Sho Nuff" into the losers bracket earlier that day.

"Sho Nuff" then beat Belcourt to move on to face Outlaw who had defeated them earlier in the day.

It took two games in the Championship Round, as they battled it out to win them both on Sunday evening.

The winners received $4000.00, trophies and Warrior Champion jackets. The jackets were donated by Red Lake Chairman, Floyd "Buck" Jourdain.

It was the same situation in the Men's Championship, as Plainsmen had to beat War Hoops twice to win it all--and did just that.


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