Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Beltrami Electric Collects and Delivers Record 645 Items for 13th Annual Mitten Tree

Bemidji, Minn. - Beltrami Electric Cooperative recently delivered donated mittens, gloves, hats and scarves to area children as part of its annual Mitten Tree campaign for the 13th straight year.

This season, 645 items were collected and distributed to students enrolled in seven Head Start and Early Child Family Education programs throughout the Cooperative's service area. The previous record of 503 items was set in 2007.

As a Touchstone Energy© cooperative, Beltrami Electric is held to a strict code of conduct and must uphold the four core Touchstone Energy© values - accountability, integrity, innovation and commitment to community.

Beltrami Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative located in Bemidji, Minn. Established in 1940, Beltrami Electric provides power to almost 17,000 member-owners within a 3,000 square mile service area located in the lakes region of north-central


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