Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Day one of the Red Lake Ojibwe Language Summit began Monday evening - P3

Full-day Agenda on Tuesday starting at 8 AM

The Red Lake Ojibwe Language Summit kicked off at the Red Lake Casino Event Center on the evening of Monday, December 16 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. with a community celebration, feast and pow wow.

On Tuesday, December 17 a full-day agenda will begin at 8:00 a.m. with breakfast, followed by the welcome address by Red Lake Tribal Chairman Floyd "Buck" Jourdain, key-note speeches by Red Lake Spiritual Advisor Larry Stillday and guest speaker Margaret Peters.

Agenda for Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Invocation: Miskwaanakwad /Red Cloud (Eugene Stillday)


Welcome by Chairman Floyd Jourdain, Jr.

10:00 am Key Note: Chi-Ma'iingan/Great Wolf (Larry Stillday)

10:45 am BREAK

11:00 am Key Note: Margaret Peters

Kana:takon School, Mohawk of Akwesasne

12:00 pm Lunch

Youth Presentations

Red Lake High School- Tami Liberty

Niigaane- Leslie Harper

1:15 pm Break-out Session I

1.) Tribal Policy

Panel: Keith Lussier, Susan Ninham, Leslie Harper, Jim White, Greetings Spears

2.) Developing Language Materials & Teaching Tools

Panel: Anton Treuer, Eugene Stillday, Mary Hermes/Jenn Hall

3.) Cultural & Spiritual teachings

panel: Larry Stillday, Keith Lussier, Anna Gibbs

2:45 pm BREAK

3:00 pm Break-out Session II

1.) Ojibwe Immersion Schools

Panel: Liz Strong, Elizabeth "Pug" Kingbird, Leslie Harper

Spiritual Advisor Larry Stillday with wife Violet Stillday at Ponemah Language Event, June 2013

2.) Community Language Events

panel: Sam Strong, Thomas Barrett Sr., Francis Miller?

3.) Adult Language Immersion

Panel: Ojibwemotaadidaa Program, Larry "Amik" Smallwood?

Staff: Margueritte Secola

4:30 pm Wrap-up

5:00 pm Dinner/Raffle/Give-away


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