Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Graves Graduates from Minneapolis Firefighter Cadet Program

Most parents raise their children to run away from dangerous situations...but following in the footsteps of his brother and his ancestors, Dale and Stephanie Graves' second eldest son has graduated from the Minneapolis Firefighter Cadet Program.

Historically, young American Indian men were the protectors, warriors, and hunters providing safety and sustenance for the communities in which they lived. Although it has been hundreds of years since that period in time the innate sense of providing protection and safety for their community lives on in the new warrior of today's young American Indian men.

Dale and Stephanie are proud to say their son found a place to continue to cultivate his inherent feeling to serve community. Please send out a Chii Miigwetch (big thank you) for our newest community Ogichidaa!


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