Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Second Annual Walk "Footprints on our Hearts" held on Saturday - P4

The Second Annual Walk “Footprints on our Hearts” was held on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at the Red Lake IHS Hospital with its sponsor; the St. Mary’s Mission Church. Approximately 100 people were in attendance.

The day began with registration, giving out memorial books, remembrance pins, shirts and balloons. Father Jerry Rogers opened the event up with an opening prayer, along with Harold Altaha who performed 2 beautiful songs on his guitar, followed by his wife Maria Altaha who then read the names of the babies, infants and children who left us too soon.

After the reading of the names, people took either a pink or blue balloon and went outside to release them; it was a beautiful sight to see.

Before the tree planting ceremony, a poem was read by Michelle Brun. A silver maple tree donated by Home Depot which was in the process of being planted, but not before participants who were invited to put down tobacco or a red rose petal before the hole was covered up. While the “Memorial Tree” ceremony was taking place a huge beautiful eagle flew high over the hospital and the crowd.

Participants then gathered while the Eya Bay singers sang two honor songs.

The family of JolieAna Dawn Cobenais (11/30/10-1/14/12) started the walk in honor of their child. Every year a family is asked to lead the walk which is 2 miles to the Humanities and back to the hospital.

At the end of the event/walk, people were served refreshments, visited Vendors and there was a raffle for 2 quilts, which were donated by St. Mary’s Mission.

The “Footprints on our Hearts” committee was Michelle Brun, Eleanor Morin, Fr. Jerry Rogers, Jo Cobenais, Kayloni Altaha and Deb Garrigan.


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